12/13 Closing Prices / revised 12/12/2024 21:59 GMT |  12/12 OPEC Basket $73.36 +$0.91 cents 12/13 Mexico Basket (MME)  $66.23 +$1.02 cents   10/30 Venezuela Basket (Merey) $58.30   +$3.39 cents  12/13 NYMEX Light Sweet Crude  $71.29 +$1.27 cents | 12/13 ICE Brent  $74.44 +$1.08 cents | 12/13 Gasoline RBOB NYC Harbor  $2.0 +0.07 % | 12/13 Heating oil NY Harbor  $2.27 +0.05 % | 12/13 NYMEX Natural Gas   $3.28 -5.1% | 12/13  Active U.S. Rig Count (Oil & Gas)  589 + 7 | 12/13 USD/MXN Mexican Peso $20.1257 (data live) 12/13 EUR/USD Dollar  $1.0501 (data live) | 12/16 US/Bs. (Bolivar)  $50.33190000 (data BCV) | Source: WTRG/MSN/Bloomberg/MarketWatch/Reuters

Category: PW Day View

Jimmy Carter: I Fear for Our Democracy

By Jimmy Carter ATLANTA, GeorgiaEnergiesNet.com 01 06 2022 One year ago, a violent mob, guided by unscrupulous politicians, stormed the Capitol

Venezuela’s time is running out

Cristian Hernandez/AFP Moral cachet won’t unseat Nicolas Maduro. But political compromise might. Venezuela has hit a dead end with Juan

Day 5 Final day

We started the final day on the other side of the world in India. Daniel Yergin started by presenting Prime

Day 4 LNG

Day 3 cont. Gas day is a long day. I left you last in the Middle East. We now move

Day 3: Gas day

Gas day started with a look at Latin America and the question, can it achieve its gas potential. In particular