Second from left: Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat, President Dr Irfaan Ali and SBM General Manager,
By iNews
Petroleumworld 12 17 2021
SBM Offshore today celebrated its company’s fifth anniversary in Guyana. This milestone was marked with the grand opening of its new office location on Sheriff Street, Georgetown.
The three-storey building was designed and constructed with the support of local contractors and employees.
The company began its operations in Guyana in December 2016. The first Guyanese employee and current Human Resource Manager, Ms. Onecia Johnson, who has been with the company for three years, said she considers SBM Offshore the epitome of a multi-cultural organisation working together across borders and bringing together cultures to align with global practices, while ensuring those practices are adapted to the local context
“Today I have no doubt that I am part of a company that embraces values that transcend across its operations. Our values of Integrity, Entrepreneurship, Ownership and Care—not just care for our employees, but all stakeholders in the environments in which we operate, are always visible and embedded in our way of life,” she said. Ms. Johnson noted that the number of Guyanese has grown substantially since the company started operations in the country.
General Manager of SBM Offshore, Mr. Francesco Prazzo said that as their activities expanded, the company remained committed to becoming part of the local corporate community, and as such, the company is dedicated to the utilisation of local support services. Further to that, he noted that sustainability remains a priority on the company’s agenda.
“We are committed to making a difference by our actions, and the presence of our main partners in this distinguished audience today is the best testimony of the valuable ties we have created in this community,” he said.
SBM Offshore’s Managing Director of Operations, Mr. Øivind Tangen spoke of the company’s vision for developing local competency to support their operations. “We are committed to sharing and transferring all our knowledge generously, and with the same incredible enthusiasm that we met from all our employees here in Guyana for our first five years of operations.”
He added that the company is dedicated to facing challenges that arise in a manner that ensures responsible and sustainable operations.
President of ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge spoke of SBM Offshore’s global reputation as a trusted name in floating solutions for the energy sector.
He remarked on SBM Offshore’s enthusiasm in engaging the local workforce. “Since the first contract for the [Liza] Destiny FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel) was awarded to SBM [Offshore], the company has shown its commitment to the development and employment of the Guyanese workforce,” he noted.
Mr. Routledge congratulated the company on their progress over the last five years, while highlighting its accomplishment of over 800 days without any Total Recordable Injuries (TRI) on the Liza Destiny FPSO.
“Congratulations once again to SBM Offshore and their team for reaching this five-year milestone,” he said.
President Dr Irfaan Ali in his address to the gathering recognised SBM Offshore’s efforts in utilising local companies and the Guyanese workforce. He emphasised the importance of local companies being involved in all aspects of the industry, pointing to SBM Offshore’s utilisation of Guyanese companies—Industrial Fabrication Incorporated and Guyana Oil and Gas Support Services Incorporated—for the fabrication of fixtures for the Prosperity Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel.
Meanwhile, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat assured attendees that the government will play its part in building local capacity at all levels. Speaking to the company’s presence over the last five years, he said, “I am pleased to know that SBM [Offshore] too has on their payroll, at least 46 percent Guyanese and that is something we will encourage.
SBM Offshore says it remains committed to equipping Guyanese with the skills and competencies to be at the forefront of our operations, so that they can continue to occupy key roles in the industry.

By iNews Guyana 12 15 2021
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