By GHK Lall
Somebody was kind enough to forward a YouTube video titled, “How Exxon stole a 3rd World Country”. The Guyanese sister is still held as a friend, despite sticking this obscenity of a recording all of 13 minutes and 51 seconds in my face, in my consciousness, and deep into my soul. It is corporate pornography, bestiality, and the down and dirty lifted from ominous Guyanese reality. It is Nazi terror unleashed on colored people in this South American plantation called Guyana. This is confirmation of an American Reich riding astride Guyanese in full jackbooted Aryan march. And they tell me that this is not a slave master’s paradise.
What Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, (to a lesser extent and at a lower pitch), have had the courage to lay bare before Guyanese, is now flitting on electronic wings across global boardrooms and barren hamlets in sun-spiced Guyana. What a production it is, a magnum opus of oil and how the mighty crushes the lowly, after first recruiting its traitors, defanging its potential subversives. In breathless Yankee accents, there is this torrent of words that represents a cascade of the captive conditions in primitive Guyana. This country is taken back against its will (more frequently willingly) to the days of Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Benjamin D’Urban, except that the names that illustrate the pages are now that of Darren Woods and Alistair Routledge. The Englishmen got to kneel before their Queen to collect their honors; the Americans get the world to kneel before them to receive the homage due to them for capturing a 3rd World Country without so much as lifting a finger, raising a hostile eyebrow. Banks kowtow. Hedge fund billionaires fall in line. Governments tie themselves into knots. Leaders, like Ali and Jagdeo cannot prostrate enough. Institutions like the EPA have perfected the art known as follow the leader. And Guyanese law firms and accountants and its legislative body, parliament, turn cartwheels (some would say tricks) to get any leftover piece of the action. Any questions as to whom they are fighting for, fighting against? My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken….?
Not a shot fired, and Exxon owns and controls and patrols and extols this oil rich Third World country. The inference, the conclusion, is that this is a nation overrunning with cowards and weasels. But there are many brave Guyanese, those whose ears are finely tuned to Exxon’s unspoken command, bent to detect its inaudible dog whistle. I no longer have to waste pearly words like lackeys and lapdogs and flunkeys to describe these brave Guyanese; they apply those sleek unguents to themselves, and with gayful pride. For they are the ones who snarl and lunge and grind their teeth at the few Guyanese who say something is wrong. Something is wrong with Mr. Alistair Routledge’s attire, and it is more than his slip showing. Candidly, it is an ugly sight, a canvas of voracious appetite, and rapacious intent.
Every single point in “How Exxon stole a 3rd World Country” is searing in its starkness, in its sinister implications for Guyanese. Some of those consequences are already deeply embedded in the craw of a country more consumed at condemning its own, than in curtailing the new Gestapo that has taken root in this rich land. I had denounced them as slave masters before, and I damn them as slave masters today. As always, the American carpetbaggers have their Guyanese scalawags standing ready to do any slobbering, slithering, sickening duty. Nothing is too low, no trick too dirty, no duty too grisly. Need a writer, there is one; they are a dime a dozen. Callout for a media practitioner, and there is a small riot of Guyanese kicking at each other to get to the front of the line. This is not the rat race for the Yankee dollar. It is the Guyanese black man, the Guyanese brown man, and the in-between Guyanese version of yellow man, scraping the ground, breathing in the sawdust, in their race to kiss the white man’s boot.
This is for their own wealth, the sweat of their forefathers never properly paid. “How Exxon stole a 3rd World Country” is a smooth, glittering, creation that pinpoints the mystery of where the Government of Guyana ends, and where Exxon begins. For people like me, those who know the world like some of us do, it has never been a mystery; only the story of leaders who have grown to love making pitiful losers of themselves, and the people who trust them, before the whole world. On other days, in another context, I would contain the rage at the slavery implied. Today, the ire spirals when there is this corporate barbarity (Exxon) and the putrid political reality of a castrated PPP blending so effortlessly, and saturating the senses in living color. The Coalition Government sold the entirety of this country’s anatomy to Exxon. The PPP Government peddles its political flesh, for a seat at the dinner table with corporate cannibals, and the worst type of inhuman predators imaginable at any time, and in any place.
Indeed, Exxon stole a 3rd World Country. Exxon also stole its wisdom, courage, intellectual capacity, and all the balls that once bounced here.
GHK Lall is a Guyanese well read author. Energiesnet.com does not necessarily share these views.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by Kaieteur News, on August 20, 2023. All comments posted and published on EnergiesNet.com, do not reflect either for or against the opinion expressed in the comment as an endorsement of EnergiesNet.com or Petroleumworld.
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EnergiesNet.com 08 20 2023