The elected president of Venezuela Edmundo González Urrutia had to flee to Spain and is currently in exile in that country after the regime issued an arrest warrant against him for subversion. González Urrutia obtained 67% of the votes in the election day of July 28, against 30% for Nicolás Maduro with 83.5% of the votes verified with published tally sheets, winning in all states (source: We reject the arrest warrant, and the fraud intended by the National Electoral Council – CNE of Venezuela, proclaiming Nicolás Maduro as president-elect for a new presidential term and its ratification by the Supreme Court of Justice-TSJ, both without showing the voting minutes or any other support.  EnergiesNet ” Latin America & Caribbean web portal with news and information on Energy, Oil, Gas, Renewables, Engineering, Technology, and Environment.– Contact : Elio Ohep, editor at +584142763041-   The elected president of Venezuela Edmundo González Urrutia had to flee to Spain and is currently in exile in that country after the regime issued an arrest warrant against him for subversion. González Urrutia obtained 67% of the votes in the election day of July 28, against 30% for Nicolás Maduro with 83.5% of the votes verified with published tally sheets, winning in all states (source: We reject the arrest warrant, and the fraud intended by the National Electoral Council – CNE of Venezuela, proclaiming Nicolás Maduro as president-elect for a new presidential term and its ratification by the Supreme Court of Justice-TSJ, both without showing the voting minutes or any other support.
10/01 closing Prices  / revised 10/02/2024  08:16 GMT | 10/01 OPEC Basket $71.34 –$1.66 cents | 09/30 Mexico Bascket (MME)  $63.76 –$0.04 cents (The MME price is not published today due to Tuesday’s presidential inauguration day.)  08/31 Venezuela Basket (Merey)  $62 15   +$1.66 cents 10/01 NYMEX Light Sweet Crude $69.63 +$0.01 cents | 10/01 ICE Brent Sept $73.56 +$1.86 cents | 10/01 Gasoline RBOB NYC Harbor $1.9966 +0.0315 cents | 10/01 Heating oil NY Harbor  $2.1742 +0.0198 cents | 10/01 NYMEX Natural Gas  $2.896 -0.027 cents | 09/27 Active U.S. Rig Count (Oil & Gas) 587 -1 | 10/02 USD/MXN Mexican Peso 19.6214 (data live) 10/02 EUR/USD  1.1072 (data live) | 10/02 US/Bs. (Bolivar)  $36.91870000 (data BCV) | Source: WTRG/MSN/Bloomberg/MarketWatch

Citgo share auction creditors oppose terms of Amber Energy, Elliott-affiliate’s bid

A sign of Citgo Petroleum is seen at its headquarters in Houston, Texas, U.S., January 11, 2024. REUTERS/Go Nakamura
A sign of Citgo Petroleum is seen at its headquarters in Houston, Texas, U.S., January 11, 2024. Reuters/Go Nakamura

Marianna Parraga and Gary Macwilliams, Reuters

HOUSTON 10 02 2024

Creditors seeking proceeds from a U.S. court-ordered auction of shares in a parent of Citgo Petroleum to compensate them for Venezuela’s debt defaults and expropriations on Tuesday widely criticized terms of a conditional offer selected in the second bidding round.

An Elliott Investment Management affiliate on Friday was named the presumptive winner of the share auction with a bid that puts an up to $7.286 billion enterprise value on Venezuela-owned oil refining company Citgo.

Amber Energy’s bid, subject to the resolution of parallel claims by a group of bondholder, is the best way to get the process started to maximize the value of Citgo for creditors, an attorney for the court officer overseeing the auction told the court.

“Our view is: let’s get this bid locked down and binding,” said attorney Ray Schrock. Creditors objecting to undisclosed terms of the offer would have a future opportunity to review details.

“They’ll have plenty of time to see the terms,” he added. “We have somebody prepared to move forward. What we don’t want to do is lose the bird in hand.”

But Crystallex, the company that in 2017 first brought a case that found Citgo parent PDV Holding liable for unpaid judgments and holds the highest-ranked claim, said terms proposed by Elliott’s Amber Energy would mean creditors who are collectively claiming $21.3 billion were “unlikely to ever be paid.”

Amy Wolf, an attorney representing ConocoPhillips (COP.N), which holds the largest claims in the case, said the sales process “is not ending in the way we all would have liked.”

Reporting by Marianna Parraga; editing by Gary McWilliams 10 02 2024

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