By Frank Bracho
What else to say that we haven’t already said?
1) The problem is not, then, in continuing to say “more, or less” (…since enough “rivers of ink and microphone or internet shouting” have already been poured out ! – and “for all tastes”!) ! But that the political-economic leaderships and the people Internalize, and Do the right thing!!
2)…. Knowing that, as all genuine ethical-spiritual creeds say: “We are not owners of anything in this life”, but “we come to this world naked and we will withdraw – or when we are “called” in– naked ! “… It is not, then, about any ephemeral “having” but about achieving a good “Being”.! – for such a “supreme rendering of accounts or transition to such a return to the Spirit”! -with the consequent destiny for each person – as appropriate! …And even less, of a “you. get out so I can in ! “, on this plane, and ultimately of “NOT doing to others what we would not like to be done to ourselves!” (the “golden rule of all good Coexistence”!). And that healthy Coexistence includes, by the way, not only other human beings but All creatures and interrelationships of the Common Natural Creation (forests, waters, soils, atmosphere, wild fauna and flora, climate ! )… Natural Creation or “Common Home” without which, none of us could live !! (The Worst War – and beware: “not only in physical transgression, but in thought, word and omission”) that today the current homo brutus (formerly homo sapiens) has been waging is: “The incessant, relentless and suicidal War against Nature itself or Common Home .!!)
3)….Back to an “elementary Common Sense or Wisdom of the Heart” – which, in the current alienated world, has been lost ! -Due to lack of Experiencia Living or Internalized Consciousness
4) An “Elementary Responsible Interdependence of Life” – which all genuine creeds talk a lot about! Not “mere absolute private property” (“the fact that you “own” a gun does not give you the “right” to kill everyone who crosses your path”(!)… “property right” that, necessarily, has to be framed in a “Social and Environmental Responsibility or Conditioning” (!!) – Given, precisely, by said “Awareness of the Responsible Interdependence of Life”!!)…
5) And what, therefore, gives a “subordinate hierarchical order” to that concept of “national private property” that they have called “the Sovereignty” of the “Nation State” (!) – very much in vogue in recent times as a kind of “dogma” – But in truth with only about 300 years of existence!.. Given, in turn, by that of the vain “sovereign” peoples or monarchs ! – who supposedly gave it justification of “better evolution” !. .. (And, regardless how much utis poseidetis juris (or “divide and rule” ! ) of the time of “the past empires” – whether it has been inherited well or badly !) .. But, in truth, None of these notions have been validated in the Divine Natural Order !! – Where what prevails is Interdependence over sovereignty, lasting Wisdom or Sustainability over vain autonomy, unlimited geographical interconnection over navel-centric zealous territoriality: Neither Nature nor God have “borders”!! But Everything is Responsible and Conscious Interdependencia !! … And what, in short – more than a matter of laws or texts of national constitutions – must be carried within !! : The best government is the one that governs the least, because the inhabitants self-govern themselves in Virtue !! -As the ancient Chinese Taoists, the indigenous people, Bedouins and shamans, have experience and know very well !!)…
6) And by the way, for all the above, is that -far from “shows” of “risky or irresponsible, distractionist patrioticist populisms”… .or of “mere vain, or also self-serving, invocations of national sovereignty” – we have advocated for a kind of “Third Way” (which in truth should be “the First” – in preference and convenience!): “The Way of a “kind of Condominium for Responsible and Sustainable Care and Use of the entire said vast area under claim” (about 160,000 square km)” !! …. Unparalleled and invaluable Heritage of Biodiversity – and therefore, already performing Very useful functions for All life around ! – And also part – with all its intricate habitats of forests, mangroves, wetlands, and very powerful riverine and marine currents – from the Delta of the Amazon River to the one of the Orinoco River, of the grand entire Amazon Basin!! (See our previous arts. published on the Web about it.!!). …In which, all people of good will and wisdom, from neighboring countries such as Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Trinidad, and Colombia, as well as the broadest international support… and under a “coherent leadership” of Venezuela (How can we sustainably save to Essequibo? -If we let be lost our – closer – South of our country green hubs- decimated by the crazy “mining fever” itself – or the ones of our nationally legally protected áreas of the Waraira Repano, the Henry Pittier, Guatopo, or El Hatillo? (!!). … No “national rhetorical consultation” or “show” will have any meaning without it ! (and it could even get out of hand!!).
¿ Why is it so difficult to understand.??
… But the absurd and suicidal tic tac continues. !!. …And tomorrow is Today !!!
FB Nov 11th -2O23
Frank Bracho is a civil society activist; he has also had an intense and varied experience as an author, lecturer and activist in advocacy movements on issues of civilizational change. Economist with a major in Inter-American studies (cum laude) from Covell College of the University of the Pacific (B.S. in Economics); as well as an M.A. in international economics from Stanford University. Author, co-author or editor of 12 books in the fields of alternative economics, environment and social policy; and of a large number of articles in national and international periodicals, magazines and internet. Delegate to several international institutions. Ambassador of Venezuela to India. The views expressed are not necessarily those of EnergiesNet.com.
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