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Beckles: Piarco Solar Park as ‘turning point’ in T&T’s power generation – T&T Guardian

Workers preparing the site for the Piarco Solar Farm which will consist of ground-mounted solar panels installed over an area of 1.54 hectares with an annual generation capacity of 1,443,830 kilowatt-hours.
Workers preparing the site for the Piarco Solar Farm which will consist of ground-mounted solar panels installed over an area of 1.54 hectares with an annual generation capacity of 1,443,830 kilowatt-hours.

T&T GUardian

EnergiesNet.com 01 09 2023

The Solar Park Project has broken ground at the Piarco International Airport.

And according to Minister of Planning and Development Pennelope Beckles, a significant amount of work is underway regarding design approvals, procurement and construction works for the project.

The Piarco Solar Park is a collaboration between the Government of T&T, the European Union’s Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

As of November 2022, all of the prerequisite activities related to the project were 100 per cent complete, the Planning and Development Ministry stated in a release yesterday.

Procurement works were 48 per cent complete and construction work 30 per cent complete, it stated.

“The installation of this commercial-scale solar farm at the Piarco International Airport, represents action that T&T is undertaking, assisted by our international partners, to meet our climate change commitments under the Paris Agreement. These commitments are aimed at achieving our Nationally Determined Contribution, as part of the global effort to constrain global temperatures to survivable levels, and to target the sectors responsible for our highest emissions, the power generation, transportation and industrial sectors,” Beckles stated.

Beckles stated that this initiative is a turning point in the power generation sector and in the national climate change agenda.

“The existential threat posed by climate change requires action by every country, and the international climate policy framework has responded through legal instruments requiring and guiding actions to be undertaken. As part of implementing the 2011 National Climate Change Policy, the ‘Strategy for Reduction of Carbon Emissions (CRS-Carbon Reduction Strategy)’ was developed and adopted in 2015, establishing a mitigation action plan targeting the country’s three main emitting sectors; electrical power generation, industry, and transport, over the period 2013 – 2040. This was the policy basis for Trinidad and Tobago’s Nationally Determined Contribution or NDC, and represents our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as required under the Paris Agreement. In addition, this project demonstrates the Government’s commitment to the national development strategy, Vision 2030 through the attainment of SDG 13: Climate Action,” Beckles stated.

The Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) is a flagship initiative of the European Union, geared towards helping the world’s most vulnerable countries to address the issue of climate change.

T&T, through the Ministry of Planning and Development, was able to partner with the Delegation of the European Union, to ensure that this country was able to design projects allowing access to the GCCA+ programme contributing to the achievement of our NDC.

The solar farm, which is managed by the Airports Authority, will consist of ground-mounted solar panels installed over an area of 1.54 hectares with an annual generation capacity of 1,443,830 kilowatt-hours (kWh), which represents 7.1 per cent of the total amount of electricity consumed at the Piarco International Airport.

This project could potentially reduce annual emissions of carbon dioxide by 1,010 metric tonnes, and contribute to an overall reduction in Trinidad and Tobago’s carbon footprint.

Beckles stated that she is hopeful that this solar farm at the Piarco International Airport serves as an inspiration to the wider public and private sectors on the potential of Solar and Renewable Energy, “as we do our part for a better planet for all of us.”

guardian.co.tt 01 04 2023

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