The elected president of Venezuela Edmundo González Urrutia had to flee to Spain and is currently in exile in that country after the regime issued an arrest warrant against him for subversion. González Urrutia obtained 67% of the votes in the election day of July 28, against 30% for Nicolás Maduro with 83.5% of the votes verified with published tally sheets, winning in all states (source: We reject the arrest warrant, and the fraud intended by the National Electoral Council – CNE of Venezuela, proclaiming Nicolás Maduro as president-elect for a new presidential term and its ratification by the Supreme Court of Justice-TSJ, both without showing the voting minutes or any other support.  EnergiesNet ” Latin America & Caribbean web portal with news and information on Energy, Oil, Gas, Renewables, Engineering, Technology, and Environment.– Contact : Elio Ohep, editor at +584142763041-   The elected president of Venezuela Edmundo González Urrutia had to flee to Spain and is currently in exile in that country after the regime issued an arrest warrant against him for subversion. González Urrutia obtained 67% of the votes in the election day of July 28, against 30% for Nicolás Maduro with 83.5% of the votes verified with published tally sheets, winning in all states (source: We reject the arrest warrant, and the fraud intended by the National Electoral Council – CNE of Venezuela, proclaiming Nicolás Maduro as president-elect for a new presidential term and its ratification by the Supreme Court of Justice-TSJ, both without showing the voting minutes or any other support.
10/01 closing Prices  / revised 10/02/2024  08:16 GMT | 10/01 OPEC Basket $71.34 –$1.66 cents | 09/30 Mexico Bascket (MME)  $63.76 –$0.04 cents (The MME price is not published today due to Tuesday’s presidential inauguration day.)  08/31 Venezuela Basket (Merey)  $62 15   +$1.66 cents 10/01 NYMEX Light Sweet Crude $69.63 +$0.01 cents | 10/01 ICE Brent Sept $73.56 +$1.86 cents | 10/01 Gasoline RBOB NYC Harbor $1.9966 +0.0315 cents | 10/01 Heating oil NY Harbor  $2.1742 +0.0198 cents | 10/01 NYMEX Natural Gas  $2.896 -0.027 cents | 09/27 Active U.S. Rig Count (Oil & Gas) 587 -1 | 10/02 USD/MXN Mexican Peso 19.6214 (data live) 10/02 EUR/USD  1.1072 (data live) | 10/02 US/Bs. (Bolivar)  $36.91870000 (data BCV) | Source: WTRG/MSN/Bloomberg/MarketWatch

Ecuador calls force majeure on oil contracts as erosion imperils pipelines

Tito Correa/Reuters

Workers lay new pipelines for crude oil, in San Luis, Ecuador

– Oilfields to stop some production as storage space running out
– It’s the third force majeure since pipes snapped in April 2020

By Stephan Kueffner / Bloomberg News

Petroleumworld 12 15 2021

Ecuador declared force majeure on all oil contracts, including exports and imports, as the threat of soil erosion forced the shutdown of the country’s two pipelines that transport crude across the Andes.

The clause, which is invoked to remove liability from failing to honor contracts in the event of disasters, went into effect on Sunday, according to a statement on the website of state-owned oil producer Petroecuador. The country’s Trans-Ecuadorian Pipeline System and Heavy Crude Pipeline, as well as the Shushufindi-Quito petroleum products pipeline, had to be shut.

Ecuador’s third force majeure on oil contracts since the two Andean pipelines snapped last year deals a blow to President Guillermo Lasso, who aims to overcome years of stagnant production in the former OPEC member and more than double output to near 1 million barrels a day.

River erosion near pipeline infrastructure has accelerated since the nearby Coca-Codo Sinclair hydro-electric power plant was inaugurated in late 2016. A landslide in April 2020 severed both crude pipelines, triggering spills and a temporary output cut of almost 60%.

International agencies, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, are working to help find a solution to slow the damage from the aggressive erosion.

Petroecuador has begun to shut down production in several fields because the oil can’t be transported and it has limited storage space. The company owns the Trans-Ecuadorian pipeline, known as SOTE, while the other line, known as OCP, is owned by a consortium of oil companies.

Emergency bypasses are under construction to allow oil pumping to resume. Petroecuador currently has sufficient fuel stocks to supply the domestic market, according to the statement.

The country’s crude output as of Dec. 9 was 482,000 barrels a day, according to the oil and mining regulator. Ecuador exported about 345,000 barrels a day of crude in October, while importing roughly 112,000 a day, based on the latest available data from the central bank.

The country imported around 110,000 barrels a day of gasoline and diesel in November, 66% of which came from the U.S., according to estimates from oil analytics firm Vortexa.

Petroecuador was due to award a term tender on Monday to purchase 11 cargoes of diesel for delivery starting December.


By Stephan Kueffner from Bloomberg News
  12 13 2021

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