03/07 Closing Prices / revised 03/07/2025 21:59 GMT | 03/06 OPEC Basket $71.75 –$2.50 cents | 03/07 Mexico Basket (MME) $63.66 +$0.79 cents 01/31 Venezuela Basket (Merey)  $66.86   +$5.73 cents  03/07 NYMEX Light Sweet Crude $67.04 +$0.68 cents | 03/07 ICE Brent $70.36 +$0.90 cents  03/07 Gasoline RBOB NYC Harbor  $2.1087 +0.0075 cents 03/07 Heating oil NY Harbor  $2.2160 -0.0078 cents | 03/07 NYMEX Natural Gas  $4.399 +0.097 cents | 03/07 Baker Hughes Rig Count (Oil & Gas)  592 -1 | 03/07 USD – Dollar/MXN  20.2544 (data live) 03/07 EUR – USD  $1.0833 (data live)  03/10 US/Bs. (Bolivar)  $65.26620000 (data BCV) Source: WTRG/MSN/Bloomberg/MarketWatch/Reuters
Venezuela's Drangon gas via hibicus to Trinidad
Venezuela’s Drangon gas via hibicus to Trinidad

Headlines January 2023

STOP PRESS  OBITUARY – Dr Anthony Coates

TRINIDAD 1  US grants licence to develop Venezuela offshore gas field :  Energy Chamber– Dragon Field waiver a ‘major opportunity’ ;  Revamped terms for offshore gas auction :  Promising bid round alongside change : 16 bids for 11 blocks : BP and Shell discuss  deep-water blocks : $800m for Energy Ministry for fuel subsidy : Hydrogen : Solar & Wind best for Renewables : Touchstone, CEO on prices :  ANNOUNCES RELEASE OF  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT : Noble – damaged jack-up and  new contracts :  New approach to cut power costs : Heritage : Economic crisis :  EOG joins Methane Partnership 2.0 :  Piarco Solar Park :  NP accreditation viscosity : Ramps Logistics : Sovereign Wealth Fund + US$345 m :Petroleum contributed $30B :  Young – ‘deceptive fabrication’: Brighter days in 2023 : Trade with PRC > US$1.1B : Security – crime solutions :  Opposition Leader seeks brave new world :  Presidential swan song :  Political trickery :  UN, progress on SDGs :  Paria/LMCS should be prosecuted :  ” FELL SHORT” :  Paria efforts ‘entirely reasonable’ : Safe TO Work (STOW)  certification programme :  Obituary- Geologist Wayne Bertrand.

GUYANA 1    :Record $781.9B Santa Mega-Budget : $488.5M for BIT to train 8,000 :  $94.4B for  access to education :  $43.4B for gas-to-energy project & transition to renewables : Budget 2023 Goals :  65% of O & G workforce  are locals :  Budget 2023 to enhance livelihoods & investment : Budget built on manifesto :  Inter-American Development Bank : commends policies :  82.6% increase in arrivals :  Fifth fastest-growing economy, even without petroleum :  Inevitable prosperity :  Oil wealth benefits all, :  ILO – lack of qualified personnel :  Education attainment of Guyana’s working age population :  Rystad expert opinion burnishes global O&G profile :

GUYANA 2   : Uaru-Mako Field Project :  ExxonMobil – Uaru development = $12.7 billion :  Modec selecting yard for Guyana FPSO :  Fourth revenues paid to NRF :  US$82.6m banked for first 2023 oil lift :  World Bank– Guyana to sustain growth : Sharp decline in Latin America exports- IDB :  Hess offers US$75M for Guyana carbon credits : oil discovery may require seventh platform : to lift output above 1.2 MMboe/d :  5th project to cost Guyana US$12.6B :  Exxon consortium to develop fifth oilfield :  Exxon applies for approval of  :  Whiptail as sixth development :  India– high interest in Guyana oil :  Joint venture with Indian firm to recruit skills :  Indian investment in hydrocarbon sector :  India collaboration in agro-processing :  assistance to boost agriculture, :  Indian Ferry to arrive in February :  Ali receives India’s highest overseas award :  Working groups established to drive  cooperation agenda :  Energy Conference February 14-17, 2023 : ILO – oil sector moving too fast for small labour force :  IDB- benefit from higher prices, levels of production :  Noble rig spuds exploration well :  Natural Resource Fund Board agreement with Bank of Guyana :  Guyana to inaugurate natural gas exports from offshore fields :  Exxon Ramps Up Oil Production :  Opposition criticises Budget 2023 :  Exxon  sizing up more blocks :

ISABELANA   : Brazil, Guyana, have lion’s share of L. A. oil production :  India interested in  Guyana oil :  IDB  :  ECLAC :  Venezuela  :  Chevron Expands Venezuelan Crude Sales :  activities picking up pace :  CEO Defends Chevron Profits :  U.S. no longer recognizes Guaidó as Venezuela’s president :  Venezuela closer to Mercosur and Argentina : Cuba : Gran Tierra Energy operational and financial update :  Petrobras – CNOOC Deal For Natural Gas Flow And Processing :  Exxon aims to block EU windfall tax :  Africa Gas investments worth $245 billion risk becoming stranded assets :  PRC to boost pipeline imports of Russian gas by 47% : Big Oil in sights of climate activist protests (Davos 2023) :  Equinor :  Rosebank oilfield (UK) :  Shell expects $2bn hit from  windfall taxes :

ISABELANA 2  :  NGC on Dragon Gas Deal and removal of US sanctions :  step in the right direction :  “BEWARE BOLIVARIAN BLINDSIDE IN DRAGON DEAL” :  Atlantic LNG restructuring & TT gas sector :  “Venezuela delighted”:  Possible buffer to T&T :  A ‘perfect relationship’ :  The gas price formula :  The renewables balancing act :  Venezuela :  suspends exports :  Geoex & MCG signs MoU for Multi-client seismic project :  Will Venezuela Make an Oil Market Comeback in 2023? :  GeoPark Q4 2022 operational update :  ECLAC :  

H2  :  Hydrogen needs to grow sevenfold for transition :  Green hydrogen has ‘big potential’ but a  blind spot, scientists warn :  Bacton could provide  clean energy for up to 20 million homes and businesses ; £102 million backing for nuclear and hydrogen  in the UK  :

CARICOM: Presidents of Suriname and Guyana meet Indian PM :  admired PM Modi :  Good management can jumpstart economies :  Guyana Energy Chamber signs MOU with Suriname Energy Chamber :  Guyana urges PRC bid for oil blocks :  Antigua and Barbuda :  WIOC  :  -Strong mag. 6.2 earthquake : Grenada: fuel shortage on Carriacou :  Dominica :  ECLAC  Ferry service in the Eastern Caribbean :  CDB US$43 Million loan for Bahamas Education :  Haiti reaches a breaking point :  CDB interest in financing Guyana energy :  urges implementation of CSME, improved regional travel :  Another window for Caricom to advance  :  Trinidad investors to help Guyana develop oil sector :  Regional collaboration is key :  Guyana President- Region must reject world bias : UK helps to develop maritime economy :  Indian, European Oil Firms to Bid for Offshore Blocks :  India offers plethora of collaborative opportunities : Exxon to mirror Guyana success in India :

Headlines December 2022 …And links to earlier months.

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By Elio Ohep · Launched in 1999 under Petroleumworld.com

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