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Guyana calls on Venezuela to respect Geneva Agreement – Kaieteur News

…on 57th Anniversary of its signing

Kaieteur News

Energiesnet.com 02 18 2023

Guyana on Thursday celebrated its 57th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Agreement and calls on Venezuela to return to the judicial process of the Geneva Agreement in abandonment of its earlier imperial goal, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Friday.

The Ministry said that “There could be no greater mark of respect for the Agreement by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”

“On this Anniversary Day of that historic Agreement, Guyana considers that no greater homage can be paid to it by our sister Republic than full compliance with its terms, including Article IV paragraph 2, pursuant to which the Secretary General of the United Nations has chosen the International Court of Justice as the means for final and binding settlement of the controversy,” the statement issued by the Ministry said.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry said that the Geneva Agreement is a binding international agreement between parties and noted that the signing was concluded on the eve of Guyana’s independence between the United Kingdom, Venezuela and British Guiana.

“It governs the resolution of the controversy which had arisen as a result of Venezuela’s baseless and ill-chosen contention that the Arbitral Award of 1899 is ‘null and void’. It removed the roadblock to Guyana’s independence that Venezuela had, with imperial ambition, sought to erect,” the Ministry reminded.

Under the Geneva Agreement, that controversy is now, with the approval of the international community before the International Court of Justice in whose impartial and independent upholding of the rule of international law Guyana has absolute confidence.

Venezuela has sought over the years to undermine the Agreement and specifically to frustrate the resolution of the controversy by judicial process even when, as now, it is obliged to participate.

“As Guyana’s lawful development of its resources proceeds, it is pertinent today to emphasise that the Geneva Agreement imposes no obligation on Guyana to refrain from economic development activities in any portion of its territory, or any appurtenant maritime areas,” the Foreign Affairs Ministry said while noting that any unilateral attempt by Venezuela to restrict the exercise by Guyana of its sovereignty and sovereign rights will be wholly inconsistent with the Geneva Agreement and the rule of international law.

kaieteurnewsonline.com 02 18 2023

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