January 29, 2022 – Moray House Trust | Guyanese Online
Oil Dorado? Guyana’s Black Gold | Live Book Launch
YouTube Tuesday February 1, 2022
Guyana Energy Conference and Expo 2022
February 15-18, 2022
150 companies, four heads of state confirmed for February energy conference | OilNow
BOOK: From Rags to Riches: Is Guyana Ready for the Oil Bonanza? – by Terence M Yhip | Guyanese Online
Budget 2022 to address rising cost of living – President Ali: Guyana Times
…says no new taxes to be included in budget
Budget 2022, set to be presented in the National Assembly today by Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance in the Office of the President Dr Ashni Singh, will have specific measures that will alleviate, among other things, the rising cost of living while at the same time looking to reduce the income tax burden on Guyanese. This was revealed by President Dr Irfaan Ali, who in an address on Tuesday revealed that he has asked the Finance Minister to include specific measures that will cushion the impact of inflation, precipitated by the global COVID-19 pandemic that has driven up costs along the supply chain.
BUDGET 2022: Most of $29.4 B energy sector budget goes to Wales gas-to-energy project – News Room Guyana
BUDGET 2022: Significant growth in gold sector this year as millions in foreign investment expected – News Room Guyana
Guyana’s first national budget backed by oil revenues to be presented today: OilNOW
‘People-centred and geared towards transformation’ are the words being used to describe Guyana’s first national budget set to be presented today in Parliament which will be backed by some of the more than US$600 million in oil revenues now sitting in the country’s Natural Resources Fund. “Budget 2022 would be people-centred and people-driven, focusing on policies and programmes that will continue the transformation of our country and expand and improve the delivery of services,” President Mohamed Irfaan Ali said in a pre-budget 2022 address to the new oil producing nation.
Budget 2022 – how about a hand for the hurting: Kaieteur News (Editorial)
Guyanese will get their first look at what Budget 2022 holds in store for them on Wednesday, January 26, meaning, today. When it is unveiled for the first time in Parliament by the Government’s Minister with Responsibility for Finance, all will get to know who and where gets what, with everything in the open. With that in mind, we do something unusual today, we present where we anticipate major pieces of the Budget 2022 to focus, while we also offer insights as to what we think should, out of sheer necessity, be important aspects of this national blueprint for the year ahead.
PPP/C tightens grip on oil fund: Kaieteur News
– passes motion for House to nominate Directors
The National Assembly on Monday evening approved a motion by Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh for the Parliamentary Committee on Appointments to recommend nominees to serve on two boards governing the Natural Resource Fund (NRF). Dr. Singh noted that a nominee from the House will sit on the Board of Directors as stipulated in Part III of the Act while another will serve on the Public Accountability and Oversight Committee (PAOC) in pursuant of Section VI of the new Act.
Corruption in Guyana on the rise again: Kaieteur News
…as country score dips in latest Transparency International ranking
Guyana, during the year 2021, dropped two points on the Transparency International Corruption Index, meaning that corruption in the country’s public sector has climbed, after a full year under the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Government. When the PPP/C demitted office back in 2015, the country was scoring below 30 points. During the years of the APNU+AFC that score steadily improved reaching 41, however, in the latest ranking which was published on Tuesday by Transparency International, a global coalition against corruption, Guyana’s performance dropped from 41 in 2020 to 39 in 2021.
Making Government Accountable: Guyana Chronicle (Editorial)
THE National Assembly recently approved a motion by Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh which will allow for the Appointment Committee to recommend a parliamentary nominee to serve on the 2021 Natural Resource Fund’s (NRF) Board of Directors. This is in keeping with the Act which also makes provision for another parliamentary nominee to serve on the Public Accountability and Oversight Committee. This is a significant development in terms of transparency and accountability in the management and use of our oil revenues which have already been earmarked to facilitate developmental works in the 2022 Budget Estimates.
Exxon subsidiary to remove mangroves for laying of cable: Stabroek News, Kaieteur News
-NAREI to monitor restoration
The National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) says it will be monitoring the removal and subsequent restoration of approximately 240m2 of mangroves and cordgrass at Ogle, East Coast Demerara as part of Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited’s (EEPGL) Fibre Optic Cable Project. A release yesterday from NAREI noted that EEPGL intends to implement a high-speed fibre optic/wireless transport service for its Guyana onshore and offshore facilities which requires the installation of a submarine fibre optic cable connecting the offshore EEPGL facilities to onshore network services.
Guyana’s Oil Production To Increase Three-Fold Next Month | OilPrice.com
Hess Increases Budget With Most Going To Guyana And Bakken | Rigzone
Hess unveils US$2.6B budget for 2022; majority to be invested in Guyana, Bakken: OilNOW
U.S. energy company Hess Corporation revealed on Monday that it has allocated a whopping US$2.6B towards its 2022 Exploration and Production budget. Interestingly, the American explorer said the majority of this expenditure will go towards projects in Guyana and the Bakken. Hess said the $2.6 billion budget is allocated as follows: US$1,150 million (44%) for production, US$1,000 million (39%) for offshore Guyana developments and US$450 million (17%) for exploration and appraisal activities.
Hess to spend US$1B on Guyana projects in 2022: Kaieteur News
– US$450M set aside to drill more wells
Hess Corporation which holds a 30 percent stake in the Stabroek Block announced on Tuesday that its 2022 Exploration and Production budget totals US$2.6 billion. Approximately 80% will be allocated to its major projects in Guyana and the USA. Expounding further, Hess said it plans to spend US$1B on its Guyana projects with US$25 million going towards the Liza Phase 1 development on the Stabroek Block where production optimization work is planned in the first quarter of 2022.
EPA moves closer towards “real-time” monitoring of offshore activities: Guyana Times
It has been some two years since the country became an oil-producing nation, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has moved closer towards conducting “real-time” monitoring of offshore activities, to ensure compliance with the necessary protocols. This position was shared by EPA Deputy Executive Director Sharifah Razack, Head of the EPA Oil and Gas Unit Joel Gravesande, and EPA Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist Reshana Thomas during a recent episode of the programme “Environment Matters”.
Wales to become 1 of the largest industrial zones in Caribbean – Natural Resources Minister: Guyana Times
– as Opposition efforts to delay project defeated in parliamentary vote
The Wales Development Zone (WDZ) will be one of the largest industrial zones in the Caribbean. This was revealed by Natural Resources Minister Vickram Bharrat in his contributions in the National Assembly prior to the defeat of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) motion to delay the gas-to-shore project. Several Members of Parliament (MPs) from both sides of the aisle spoke on the motion, which came in the name of Opposition MP David Patterson.
Movement for renegotiation of Exxon deal gaining momentum: Stabroek News (Letter to the Editor) by Dr. Jerry Jailall
As Mr. Glenn Lall of Kaieteur News and the other independent paper, the Stabroek News, feature stories on the bad deals we have with our oil and gas contracts, more and more people are understanding that both the PNC and PPP have sold out our oil, leaving us with “larwah” compared to what Exxon and friends get from us. The National Movement for Renegotiation is gaining strength and momentum, and it’s just a matter of time that both the PPP and PNC will have no choice but to join the bandwagon of this emerging People’s Movement. This was bound to happen.
Exxon targeting Tarpon-1, conducting 4D seismic at Guyana’s largest block: OilNOW
ExxonMobil is set to continue exploration activities offshore Guyana at the Tarpon-1 prospect located approximately 121.5 nautical miles (225 kilometers) offshore covering an area of 0.29 square nautical miles (1 square kilometer). OilNOW understands the Stena DrillMAX will be engaged in drilling activities at the well. This follows plans for exploration drilling at Patwa-1, also at the Stabroek Block, located approximately 113.4 nautical miles (210 kilometers) offshore. Meanwhile, the U.S. oil major is pursuing 4D seismic surveying operations on the block covering an area of 1033.58 square nautical miles (3545.10 square kilometers).
NAREI monitoring removal of mangroves for Fibre Optic cable link; Restoration to take place on completion of project: News Source, iNews
The National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) will be monitoring the removal and subsequent restoration of approximately 240m2 of mangroves and cordgrass at Ogle, East Coast Demerara where Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) is undertaking its Fiber Optic Cable Project. ExxonMobil Head office – a greenfield 15-acre site comprising two buildings and associated infrastructure, slated for completion by 2023 is also being constructed at Ogle. The company plans to implement the high-speed fiber optic/wireless transport service for its Guyana onshore and offshore facilities which requires the installation of a submarine fiber optic cable connecting the offshore EEPGL facilities to onshore network services.
EPA moves closer towards “real-time” monitoring of offshore activities: iNews
Some two years after the country became an oil-producing nation, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has moved closer towards conducting “real-time” monitoring of offshore activities to ensure compliance with the necessary protocols. This position was shared by EPA’s Deputy Executive Director Sharifah Razack, the Head of its Oil and Gas Unit Joel Gravesande and its Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist Reshana Thomas during a recent episode of the programme titled “Environment Matters”.
Opposition’s attempt to get Gas-to-shore project sent to Select Committee voted down by Government: News Source
In the wee hours of this morning, the Government used its majority in the National Assembly to vote down a motion tabled by Opposition Member of Parliament David Patterson which was seeking the suspension of a planned gas-to-shore project. Patterson was pushing for more consultation and studies on the project to be conducted. In presenting his motion, MP Patterson made it clear that the motion was not seeking to have the gas to shore project terminated since the original concept for the project—for the purpose of power generation was proposed by the Coalition government in 2016.
Local content requirements in oil industry earn Saudi Arabia more than US$100B – News Room Guyana
Oil on verge of hitting $90 a barrel: OilNOW
(Reuters) – Oil rose towards $89 a barrel on Wednesday, within sight of a seven-year high, supported by tight supply and geopolitical tensions in Europe and the Middle East that raise concerns about further disruption. U.S. President Joe Biden said on Tuesday he would consider personal sanctions on President Vladimir Putin if Russia invades Ukraine. On Monday, Yemen’s Houthi movement launched a missile attack on a United Arab Emirates base.
Dr. David E. Lewis
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