03/07 Closing Prices / revised 03/07/2025 21:59 GMT | 03/06 OPEC Basket $71.75 –$2.50 cents | 03/07 Mexico Basket (MME) $63.66 +$0.79 cents 01/31 Venezuela Basket (Merey)  $66.86   +$5.73 cents  03/07 NYMEX Light Sweet Crude $67.04 +$0.68 cents | 03/07 ICE Brent $70.36 +$0.90 cents  03/07 Gasoline RBOB NYC Harbor  $2.1087 +0.0075 cents 03/07 Heating oil NY Harbor  $2.2160 -0.0078 cents | 03/07 NYMEX Natural Gas  $4.399 +0.097 cents | 03/07 Baker Hughes Rig Count (Oil & Gas)  592 -1 | 03/07 USD – Dollar/MXN  20.2544 (data live) 03/07 EUR – USD  $1.0833 (data live)  03/10 US/Bs. (Bolivar)  $65.26620000 (data BCV) Source: WTRG/MSN/Bloomberg/MarketWatch/Reuters

Mexico will help, provide oil to Cuba, Lopez Obrador says – Reuters

Mexico, overtook Russia as a key oil supplier to the fuel-thirsty island, according to vessel monitoring data. (Reuters)

Reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez, Reuters

EnergiesNet.com 10 17 2023

Mexico will help Cuba, including providing it with oil, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday.

Mexico began regularly shipping crude oil to Cuba at the end of the first quarter of this year. Since then, it has shipped about 2.8 million barrels to the island, which suffers from frequent power outages and fuel shortages, according to independent data.

“However we can help the people of Cuba, we’re going to do it,” said Lopez Obrador in a regular press conference.

He said Mexico did not have to request permission from any foreign government to aid Cuba, which he said suffered from an “inhumane and unjust” embargo.

“If they tell us, ‘Sell us oil, because we don’t have any way of getting it,’ of course we’re going to do so,” Lopez Obrador said, ruling out that the aid could cause frictions with the United States.

Cuba was put under a U.S. economic embargo after Fidel Castro’s 1959 revolution.

Reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Anthony Esposito

reuters.com 01 16 2023

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