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Perenco T&T delivers first platform to TSP Block in 40 years – T&T Guardian

(Macarius Power)

Rhondor Dowlat, T&T Guardian

EnergiesNet.com 11 01 2022

Perenco T&T Limited,has announced that it has installed the first platform in the Teak, Samaan and Poui (TSP) Block in four decades.

On September 27, the Macarius Power successfully sailed from Caribbean Dockyard, “Caridoc”, Chaguaramas to its new home at the Poui Alpha Complex, located off the south-east coast of Trinidad, in the TSP Block operated by Perenco.

At the beginning of last year, Perenco, together with Heritage and NGC, launched a plan to modernise the operations of the TSP Block.

A decommissioned jack-up drilling rig was brought to T&T and was completely refurbished at Caridoc, using entirely local labour and expertise.

“The Macarius Power forms the heart of the electrification project of the whole Teak, Samaan and Poui fields,” according to Perenco.

It is expected to provide the TSP platforms with clean, reliable electrical power, generated with high efficiency gas turbines, contributing towards a 30 per cent reduction in the carbon footprint of the asset over the next three years, in alignment with the country’s sustainability goal.

Grégoire de Courcelles, General Manager, Perenco T&T Limited said: “In an impressively short amount of time, the teams worked safely, diligently, and efficiently until Macarius Power was ready for sailing.”

“We are sincerely grateful for the successful collaborations between Perenco, its Partners, all contractors, and the Trinidad & Tobago Authorities. The Macarius Power provides a pivotal steppingstone towards the future of a modern TSP and its continued operations for years to come. In its ability to develop innovative and tailor-made designs and solutions, Perenco reaffirms its commitment towards responsibly enhancing and developing Trinidad and Tobago’s energy sector and its local resources throughsustainable operations,” he added.

Perenco has stated that its vision involves retooling the asset for future decades, to extend the productive life of TSP for up to another 20-plus years.

In December 2016, Perenco acquired a 70 per cent interest in the TSP Block and is the operator the TSP Block where current production is in the region of 10,000 bopd barrels of oil equivalent per day.

guardian.co.tt 10 31 2022

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