03/07 Closing Prices / revised 03/07/2025 21:59 GMT | 03/06 OPEC Basket $71.75 –$2.50 cents | 03/07 Mexico Basket (MME) $63.66 +$0.79 cents 01/31 Venezuela Basket (Merey)  $66.86   +$5.73 cents  03/07 NYMEX Light Sweet Crude $67.04 +$0.68 cents | 03/07 ICE Brent $70.36 +$0.90 cents  03/07 Gasoline RBOB NYC Harbor  $2.1087 +0.0075 cents 03/07 Heating oil NY Harbor  $2.2160 -0.0078 cents | 03/07 NYMEX Natural Gas  $4.399 +0.097 cents | 03/07 Baker Hughes Rig Count (Oil & Gas)  592 -1 | 03/07 USD – Dollar/MXN  20.2544 (data live) 03/07 EUR – USD  $1.0833 (data live)  03/10 US/Bs. (Bolivar)  $65.26620000 (data BCV) Source: WTRG/MSN/Bloomberg/MarketWatch/Reuters

Plan Pais Connect: Venezuela Week , April 19, 2023

Celebration of Venezuela Week across the U.S., commemorating Venezuelan identity through the success of the country's diaspora.
Celebration of Venezuela Week across the U.S., commemorating Venezuelan identity through the success of the country’s diaspora.


EnergiesNet.com 04 14 2023

“Plan Pais Connect: Venezuela Week” a gathering celebrating Venezuelan first step towards independence on April 19th, 1810, reflecting on the power of diasporas, featuring TED Talk-like presentations (called “VeneChats”) from Venezuelan leaders of the local Washington D.C. diaspora. Representing different areas of focus (arts, politics, multilateral, private sector, etc).

Come join us to learn about the power of diasporas and connect with an up and coming community in the DC region.

Event organized by Venezuelan Perspectives-GWU, the George Washington University’s College of Professional Studies (CPS), Red Global de la Diaspora de Venezuela and Plan Pais.


-Liesl Riddle- Dean – GWU College of Professional Studies

Liesl Riddle, Ph.D., is the dean of George Washington University’s College of Professional Studies (CPS) and an associate professor of international business and international affairs. As dean of CPS, she oversees bachelor’s completion, master’s and executive programs designed to empower students to make an impact in specific industries. She also leads several innovative schools and centers, including the Graduate School of Political Management, the Center for Excellence in Public Leadership and the Cyber Academy. Dr. Riddle also serves as a member of the Penn West Equity & Innovation District Advisory Committee, developing linkages between the College and greater University with this upcoming engine of growth in the D.C. economy. Before coming to CPS, Dr. Riddle served as vice dean for strategy in the GW School of Business (GWSB). She developed and established key partnerships to support GWSB’s five-year strategic plan in that role. She also served as GWSB’s associate dean for graduate programs, launching the school’s now top-ranked online MBA in 2013 and developing an in-house instructional design team and studio that helped launch several additional GWSB online degrees and graduate certificates.

-Carla Bustillos – Venezuelan-American Caucus

Carla is a powerhouse advocate for democracy in the Americas and Latino empowerment in the United States. Her work has focused on uplifting the Latino community and lending her voice to the Venezuelan diaspora movement.

She is the Chair of the Election Board of JuntosporVirignia PAC, an elected member of the Virginia’s Congressional District 11 Democratic Committee Political Action, Political Action Director of the Latino Democratic Organization of Virginia, and Advisory Board Member of the Venezuelan American Caucus. She formally served as Executive Vice Chair of Venezolanos con Biden and TodoconTerry. Through her political leadership Carla has played key roles in campaigns at all levels across Virginia and on national campaigns.

Aside from her political work, Carla heads a Washington, DC based NGO, Vision Diaspora, focused on facilitating the diaspora lead solutions for the social and economic development of those in-need.

A mother of three, sister of four, spouse of an Air Force veteran, Carla is the daughter of Venezuelan American immigrants and granddaughter of a Cuban American immigrant. She holds a degree from American University from the School of International Service (SIS), and held professional positions at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the

Government of the District of Columbia, and has supported the U.S. Federal Government in consulting roles.

-Rosa Navas – Venezuelan SPED Educator

Venezuelan SPED Educator with a long career in the DC-region educational system and Arlington Public Schools. Rosa is a promoter of Venezuelan cultural heritage and has had an active role in Venezuelan diasporic groups like Venezuelan Human Rights , among others.

-Virginia Gamboa and Pedro Correa – 17 días

Virginia is a results-driven bilingual leader with over 12 years experience in corporate communications, marketing, journalism, public and community relations with Fortune 500 companies and international organizations. Detail oriented and strategic thinker with a solid background in multicultural markets and Hispanic segments. Producer of the upcoming documentary “17 días”. “.

Pedro is a 2 EMMY Awards winner, Videographer/editor and owner at La Cuadra Creative and former videographer at Telemundo Network NBC Universal (1998-2008)

-Antonio Rodriguez – International Council of Museums (ICOM)

Accomplished professional with more than 20 years experience in arts management, non-profit organization and museum management, strategic planning, marketing, board development, international traveling exhibitions, public relations and fundraising, identifying and developing strategic alliances with governments, private sector organizations, public and private foundations, multilateral agencies, non-profit organizations, academic and research institutions, and embassies. Expertise in survey design and data analysis. Strong knowledge of Latin American and the Caribbean organizational and cultural environment.

-Gustavo Coronel – Fabrica de Ciudadanos

Gustavo Coronel is a Venezuelan geologist and political scientist. Petroleum geologist from the University of Tulsa and UCV, researcher at Harvard University, Master in Political Science from Johns Hopkins. Founder of AGROPET, a group of oil managers and technicians who participated in the debate on the Venezuelan oil nationalization.

Founder of Pro Calidad de Vida, an NGO focused on the fight against corruption and the promotion of citizen education. He has published five books on Venezuela and maintains the blog: www.lasarmasdecoronel.blogspot.com since 2007. He is currently developing a project called Fábrica de Ciudadanos, which he considers essential for the recovery of Venezuela.

He is the coordinator, along with Sergio Sáez, of the book “Who destroyed PDVSA?”

More inormation and registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plan-pais-connect-venezuela-week-2023-washington-dc-tickets-616862080087

energiesnet.com 04 14 2023

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