By Frank Bracho, (Coordinator of G6)
…How badly we need such a forum! But: ¡¿How can we have a “good” future from such a “bad” -or troubled- present?! Both nationally and globally?
Mystics (from our own, to those of the UN -like its second Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, and even Taoists -whether Chinese or not! ), have provided us with following type of answer:
“Things are getting good because of how bad they are getting ! ” …”What is darkness to the fool, is Light to the wise !” …”Before the brightest dawn comes the darkest part of the night!”
…Whatever the High may do for us -and It always has the final and most decisive word (!) -The Divine always “expects us, ideally, to learn from “purifications” (and these often come to us as wrapped in “adversities”)… With the aim of “Evolving… and progressing” (!) in the “Change of Consciousness” (!!) –Job-like… And even for both: “the most extreme victims, and the most heartless oppressors” (!).
But, in the end, the question remains: ¿ Can “something good” come from a Future Summit – if mostly in the style of the current -and greatly troubled- UN” -this latter in turn reflecting the current world ? (!) (…For same type of argument, the haughty scribes despised Jesus of Nazareth !)… And here the high answer would also be: “It is what it is”… “Nothing happens under the Divine Plan by accident“… And, in truth, there has been a ‘certain’ justifiying shift in Consciousness’ -at least: many are already “fed up” with the dysfunctionality of the current system !… And They long for something radically ‘new’ to solve it !”.
In this constructive and affirmative spirit, we now present the following Proposal to the Future Summit -and any other similar forum…As a “Public Letter.” This comes, upon almost 30 years of personal experience with the current world system, as well as many qualified international consultations in recent times. This Proposal, focused on “Enduring and Transcendental Values for the Great Imperative Change”, also contains -in its lines as well as “in-between lines”- Responses to various other pressing current human, national, and global challenges -Even if those, at times, may feel overpowering ! (Be them: environmental, health, economic, political, social, legal -wise….And, as they cry in particular for a genuine renewed Integral Superior Vision! -Over all of them ! ).
Proposal for a New Global Governance for Peace
We have very much in mind forums such as the upcoming “Summit of the Future” in New York at the end of this September, and the “Cali Summit in Colombia on the Protection of Natural Biodiversity” -at the end of October!
1) It must be understood that this is not about a compulsive bureaucratic institutional system. Rather, it would be about a “New Consciousness of Decentralized and Functional Self-Governance” -based more on spontaneous “Virtuecracy” than any “democracy” or “institutional authoritarian totalitarianism” ´-since systems without “Values” (which means: “healthy and strong!”) …become tyrannical -and thus unsustainable!
2) Building on the above, there must be a Transversal Notion of “Sustainability or Endurance”! In which we “re-discover” the best of today’s much-touted -but also much rhetorically abused or misunderstood ´-“sustainable development,” which we should more aptly call “Sustainable Well-being” (!)… While also taking into account the wisdom of all the world’s great Spiritual Creeds!
3) As well as the basic precepts of that Divine Natural Order, namely: “The Sacred Interdependence or Interconnection of All Life,” and “Unity in diversity” -derived from the former!
4) Therefore, rather than “educating about something new” (for the sake of establishing this “new” Responsible Consciousness), it is more about “Re-educating about something lost”!!! Something inherent to the Divine and Human Order of Natural Life! And thus, it already resides in “our own ancestral memory chips or in our Heart!”
5) Therefore, this “Core Re-Education Task” must be undertaken, for greater effectiveness, with “the infallible tools of the Language of the Heart” (!!) -rather than the merely squared- off “intellectual language” (!) …Ergo: “the tools of the Experiential Language (!!) Same as the one of Genuine Art”!! (poetry, music, dance, painting, sculpture, etc.).
6a) Return to the noble and high foundational roots of the UN! (…the same that were upheld by leaders like Hammarskjöld, U Thant –and those who seriously accompanied them in that noble endeavor on it !)… Roots very much based on the above-mentioned basic precepts as a reference: ¡and in particular, the teachings of the “Primordial Natural Order” as an “Open Book of the Divine Order”… for “Unity in Diversity and Enduring Peace”!…The hundreds of delegates who signed the UN Charter in San Francisco in 1945 were taken to a nearby inspiring Primordial Natural Sanctuary before beginning the deliberations leading to the signing !…
6b) Act at all times under “the notion of ‘Integral Society or State’ as the Protagonist”(!!) (…In “citizenship, environmental matters, economic and political spheres” -not just mere “governments of the day”: Note that the first Article of the 1945 UN Charter once again speaks of: “We the Peoples…” (!!) And not just the governments alone!
6c) Reform the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (which, a year later, was added to the UN Charter as a basic reference document)… with the much broader and more appropriate title and respective reformed content, in light of the new times and urgent awareness, of: “Charter of Universal Duties and Rights of Humans and Other Creatures of Creation and the Cosmos, for Responsible Enduring Fraternity and Peace, for All ! “… (this sub-proposal is open to further details!)
6d) And, taking all the above into account, establish at least the following institutional spaces:
*6d-i) “General Assembly of Integral States” (!!) (citizens, responsible companies, and governments appropriately included in their accredited delegations)… Not just based on “Nation-States” but also the various Bio-Regions or Bio-Dimensions of the Planet (!!) -not to be interrupted by any “mere narrow political border”! Such as: The vital “Tropical Belt” (!) …whatever the continent or country… “The Arctic“… the “Oceans — and emblematic beings like whales” and “dolphins” … All the “Great Rivers“… The “Indigenous or Ancestral Aboriginal Peoples“… And all the “Great Spiritual Creeds of the world“… The “Vast Outer Extraterrestial Space“… As well as any other “Other Bio-dimensions or Common Goods, part of a Vital Heritage for the Life of All” !
*6d-ii) A Council to replace the current narrow elitist “Security Council”… With a much broader title and scope of action: a “Council of Sustainability or Endurance (political, ecological, social, economic, cultural, and ethical-spiritual)” !! …Composed of sages, leaders, or natural representatives from the various Bio-regions or Bio-dimensions !!
*6d-iii) Relaunch the initial idea of the intended world system regarding An urgent re-educational and practical “Experiential System” –for Responsible Enduring Peace for All!!
*6d-iv) Among the three previous entities or spaces; the “General Assembly of Integral States,” the “Council of Sustainability,” and the “Reeducation for Peace and Reconciliation System,” would provide broader guidelines for the new responsible and effective Global Governance!
… Knowing that all former would be of a “decentralized self-managed character,” even capable of “replicating this global model locally – in accordance to the specificities of each area”!
May the Supreme Divine enlighten us, and may we be humbly ready!
…However, we believe that with precepts like these, Victory would be assured!!
Frank Bracho , author, Coordinator of the consultative G6, national and global civil society activist; He has also had extensive and varied experience as an author, speaker, and activist in civil society and in movements advocating for a Change of Civilization. Former Ambassador of Venezuela to India, a Gandhi-style activist, former Advisor to the South Commission, and the UN system, as well as Executive Secretary to Manuel Pérez Guerrero -in his last 7 years as co-founder of several international organizations. The views expressed are not necessarily those of EnergiesNet.com.
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