CEOGS 2022
EnergiesNet.com 10 31 2022
After a series of two successful virtual events in the past two years, the third and the in-person edition of CEOGS provides a strategic summit offering a wealth of content for strategically minded companies looking to capitalise on investment, development, and project opportunities in one of the world’s key oil & gas hot spots while the exhibition offers an excellent platform for international oil & gas and energy industry professionals to meet with local partners, buyers and suppliers. |
With hundreds of attendees from Ministries & Government departments, IOCs, NOCs, Service providers, Subcontractors, Investors, Local Startups etc, CARIVS proved to be very successful at providing an inter-regional collaborative platform for the entire value chain to convene at the highest level and delve into strategic conversations and chart out the way forward Save the dates for the Caribbean’s must-attend energy event of 2022. Get in touch with us atto know more about CEOGS! |
EnergiesNet.com 10 29 2022