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What’s Been of the Emblematic Dispute Between Venezuela and Guyana Over the Esequibo? – Frank Bracho/RCL

Map of the dispute zone between Venezuela and Guyana. (Reporte Catolico Laico-RCL)
Map of the dispute zone between Venezuela and Guyana. (Reporte Catolico Laico-RCL)

By Frank Bracho

 “Coherence is not a weakness, but a Strength”  –Pope Francis 

1.THE PRESENT SITUATION: ¿Is the current mono-railed INERTIA still going on? The formal position of confrontation “between the two official disputing parties” is maintained? But, in the background, beyond the accruing or not of mere “territorial sovereign titles”, there remains the suspicion that some “vain” “last-minute binational understanding” is achieved: For “some sharing of the exploitative reintier booty of “more of the same”: Pro “resolute appeasement” ! 

 … With continuation of “the current painful informal drift” of the “Zone under dispute”: Towards some a scenario of “Congo 2– type anarchic exploitative dis-governance” – In favor of “mere totally unscrupulous mafia forms” (some already acting even on a wide-scale on drug trafficking and obscure arms trade) !    

 …And the consequent “high probability of rampant mega suicidal Gulf of México –type spills”, or even of the recent “para-legal” Gulf Stream tanker spill – off Tobago… Or of the infamous Omai Mine land spill… etc.. etc… etc.! – Sinisters even further “catapulted” to all the surroundings, as already well  documented (and in both Spanish and English reports ) -By way of  great “common torrential marine, water or geographic currents”, which interconnect the wide surrounding delicate macro-common Region ! -which goes from the whole Eastern Caribbean (and from there onwards to the whole Planet), to the Orinoco Paria-Delta basin, to El Esequibo basin -both in sea and land, to the very mouths of the Amazon River – towards its far East (once again: also with much -well known- planetary linking on that side). And in spite of the fact that the high “magnates” of the allied CARICOM governments -and “corporate ear- warming partners “- insists, all, on disregarding it ! …And in spite of the fact that their own technicians (such as the ones of the Belize-based “Climate Change Caricom Commission”  as well as environmental  activists and  international Standard-bearers of Sustainability (such as the PM of Barbados Mia Motley), have recommended to the contrary or should have had strong queries about it !  -and over years of debate  ! (As also much of it has already been well-documented publicly)   

                                                         All in all, the above current scenario suggests “an imminent ruling” of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), “legitimizing the present status quo of    “more of the same” as to the Dispute ! (…Even through the also apparent parallel growing scenario -as it is already obvious, and was to be expected- of “the current international jurisprudence and analogous international agreements”, “putting more focus” on placing the “crimes against Nature” next to “those against Humanity” , could bring us some last minute “surprise” !). 

2. ¿ An “Alternative B Scenario” …Towards a – third- “SUSTAINABILITY PRO-CONDOMINIO”? With “win-win” possibilities for all !! (…And because we believe that “the current inertial, desolate and suicidal scenario” can NOT be convenient for anyone responsible and with a sense of the Future!… Be them  leaders of vain governments, the business sector …or of the civil society and peoples (including the indigenous peoples of the Area -who have been exemplary wise ancestral caretakers of the same, as well of the entire international community, and of the Planet itself !! …For a “Healthy, Sustainable, Lasting and Respectful Prosperity of All ! “…We propose that both, the ICJ and the main actors in the Dispute, as well as the many wise people not yet sufficiently listened to be involved and enlisted ! -On such an “Urgent Third Way for the Welfare and Responsible Lasting well Beings of All”                                               …There are several avenues to further detail such an outcome… The important thing now would be to assume it resolutely !   And this could be, from NOW on, “a great example for the achievement of a Wise and Lasting Peace” ! … With All and for All… And at national, bi national, regional and world level !  

Tranlation by :Rebeca Sánchez Bello


Frank Bracho is a civil society activist; he has also had intense and varied experience as an author, speaker and activist in civil society and advocacy movements on issues of civilizational change. The views expressed are not necessarily those of EnergiesNet.com.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Lay Catholic Report (RCL) on March 17, 2024. We reproduce it for the benefit of the readers. EnergiesNet.com is not responsible for the value judgments made by its contributors and opinion and analysis columnists.

Original article

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EnergiesNet.com 20 03 2024

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