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Mexico Congress Will Debate Energy Reform in Claudia Sheinbaum’s First Week

Mexican president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum celebrates after her election victory (Gerardo Luna/AFP/AFP)
Mexican president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum celebrates after her election victory (Gerardo Luna/AFP/AFP)

lex Vasquez and Valentine Hilaire, Bloomberg News

EnergiesNet.com 09 30 2024

 Mexico’s Lower House plans to spend the first few days of Claudia Sheinbaum’s administration next week discussing an energy reform proposed by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, according to remarks by Ricardo Monreal, leader of the ruling Morena party in the chamber, in a video posted on his X account.

The reform’s main aims include giving state-owned utility CFE priority over private companies in distributing electricity. Opposition lawmakers have raised concerns that the bill could install a state monopoly.

Incoming lawmakers in both chambers, where the ruling coalition holds large majorities, spent recent weeks approving a slew of key constitutional reforms proposed by Lopez Obrador, including a judicial overhaul to elect all federal judges by popular vote.

The Lower House will also debate a constitutional reform regarding the railway use for passenger trains next week, Monreal said. 

President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, whose inauguration as the country’s first woman president takes place Oct. 1, could also send a package of initiatives to Congress, he said. 

Bloomberg.com 09 28 2024

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