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Mexico’s Opposition Candidate Cuts Gap With Ruling Party in Poll – Bloomberg

  • Morena’s Sheinbaum still leading vote intention in 2024 race
  • Challenger Galvez boosted standing with undecided voters
Senator Xochitl Galvez, an opposition presidential candidate, greets supporters during a campaign rally in Tijuana, Mexico, on Sunday, July 30, 2023.
Senator Xochitl Galvez, an opposition presidential candidate, greets supporters during a campaign rally in Tijuana, Mexico, on Sunday, July 30, 2023. (Carlos Moreno/Bloomberg)

Maya Averbuch, Bloomberg News

EnergiesNet.com 08 09 2023

Mexico’s opposition frontrunner Xochitl Galvez is narrowing the gap with the candidates of ruling Morena party, who are the favorites to win next year’s presidential election, suggesting a more competitive race, according to an El Financiero poll.

Galvez is eight percentage points behind Claudia Sheinbaum, the leading candidate ahead of the June 2024 general vote, compared to 11 points of difference in a July 18 survey, El Financiero reported on Tuesday. Galvez would lose by 10 percentage points to Marcelo Ebrard, who is running second behind Sheinbaum in the race to lead the Morena candidacy, compared to 12 points in the previous analysis, the newspaper said.

While both Sheinbaum and Ebrard managed to slightly increase their vote standings in the most recent poll, Galvez boosted her favorability among voters who were previously undecided, continuing to provide a threat to Morena, El Financiero said.

Read More: Opposition Senator Surges in Polls Ahead of Mexico’s Election

Asked about their preference within Morena candidates, voters continue to prefer Sheinbaum, with 28% of vote intention, over Ebrard, with 21%. Yet the seven-point distance between the two candidates is narrower than 10 points registered in the last poll by the same outlet.

  • Telephone poll was conducted with 500 Mexican adults between July 28-29
  • Confidence level is 95%, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4%

bloomberg.com 08 08 2023

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