The elected president of Venezuela Edmundo González Urrutia had to flee to Spain and is currently in exile in that country after the regime issued an arrest warrant against him for subversion. González Urrutia obtained 67% of the votes in the election day of July 28, against 30% for Nicolás Maduro with 83.5% of the votes verified with published tally sheets, winning in all states (source: We reject the arrest warrant, and the fraud intended by the National Electoral Council – CNE of Venezuela, proclaiming Nicolás Maduro as president-elect for a new presidential term and its ratification by the Supreme Court of Justice-TSJ, both without showing the voting minutes or any other support.  EnergiesNet ” Latin America & Caribbean web portal with news and information on Energy, Oil, Gas, Renewables, Engineering, Technology, and Environment.– Contact : Elio Ohep, editor at +584142763041-   The elected president of Venezuela Edmundo González Urrutia had to flee to Spain and is currently in exile in that country after the regime issued an arrest warrant against him for subversion. González Urrutia obtained 67% of the votes in the election day of July 28, against 30% for Nicolás Maduro with 83.5% of the votes verified with published tally sheets, winning in all states (source: We reject the arrest warrant, and the fraud intended by the National Electoral Council – CNE of Venezuela, proclaiming Nicolás Maduro as president-elect for a new presidential term and its ratification by the Supreme Court of Justice-TSJ, both without showing the voting minutes or any other support.
10/01 closing Prices  / revised 10/02/2024  08:16 GMT | 10/01 OPEC Basket $71.34 –$1.66 cents | 09/30 Mexico Bascket (MME)  $63.76 –$0.04 cents (The MME price is not published today due to Tuesday’s presidential inauguration day.)  08/31 Venezuela Basket (Merey)  $62 15   +$1.66 cents 10/01 NYMEX Light Sweet Crude $69.63 +$0.01 cents | 10/01 ICE Brent Sept $73.56 +$1.86 cents | 10/01 Gasoline RBOB NYC Harbor $1.9966 +0.0315 cents | 10/01 Heating oil NY Harbor  $2.1742 +0.0198 cents | 10/01 NYMEX Natural Gas  $2.896 -0.027 cents | 09/27 Active U.S. Rig Count (Oil & Gas) 587 -1 | 10/02 USD/MXN Mexican Peso 19.6214 (data live) 10/02 EUR/USD  1.1072 (data live) | 10/02 US/Bs. (Bolivar)  $36.91870000 (data BCV) | Source: WTRG/MSN/Bloomberg/MarketWatch

PDVSA Ad-Hoc Board Position Regarding the Court-Ordered Sale of the shares in PDV Holdings


CARACAS 09 30 2024


Houston, September 27, 2024

Dear Venezuelans,

Today, the Special Master (or Custodian Trustee) in the case of Crystallex vs. Venezuela has presented his recommended bidder for the court-ordered sale by the U.S. District Court of Delaware of 100% of the shares in PDVH. According to the information provided, the offer is contingent upon multiple unresolved issues within and outside the judicial process. Therefore, this action does not represent the end of the road or the definitive closure of this process. While we face a complex scenario, we must convey to the public that PDVSA still retains ownership of its subsidiary companies in the United States, and there remain legal mechanisms and opportunities to safeguard its interests.

It is essential to note that this situation is a direct legacy of the expropriations and defaults caused by the irresponsible management of the regimes of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro, whose handling of debt and financial commitments endangered Venezuela’s and PDVSA’s strategic assets. With the current court-ordered process, the Venezuelan people have been doubly victimized.

The Court has scheduled a hearing for November 19, 2024, to review the Special Master´s recommendation. Should it be approved, PDVSA’s rights to appeal the case will be activated. It is also important to highlight that if the process does not satisfy most creditors—who may see this recommendation as insufficient and unbalanced—they, too, will have the right to object to the process.

In addition to the judicial process, as we have stated on multiple occasions, the transaction cannot be completed without approval from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, which must issue a license. This adds a layer of scrutiny to the process. In this regard, additional and extraordinary conditions are required for the transaction to close. Therefore, even if the Court initially approves the judicial order for the forced sale of PDVH shares, we do not know whether this transaction will ultimately be completed or when.

On July 28, 2024, Venezuelans took an important step in the right direction to safeguard PDVSA’s assets. The overwhelming majority election of Ambassador Edmundo González Urrutia laid the foundation for a new administration, with international recognition, to focus on a global restructuring of the debt with creditors, which in turn would allow PDVSA to restructure its own debt. Venezuelans paved the way for this scenario to become possible in the medium term. So far, the usurpation of power by Nicolás Maduro’s regime has been the main obstacle to this alternative, making it responsible for the failure to reach payment agreements with creditors. This same usurpation prevents the return of significant oil investments to the country and the consequent recovery of the economy.

PDVSA Ad Hoc reiterates its unwavering commitment to defending its assets and will keep all Venezuelans and interested parties informed about the progress of this process. Although the road has been challenging, there is still much we can do to protect CITGO and ensure the best possible outcome in safeguarding PDVSA’s assets.


PDVSA Ad Hoc Administrative Board 09 30 2024

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By Elio Ohep · Launched in 1999 under

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